Where is your data, where are your keys, who has access, and whose balls are on the line?

We will fight them on the breaches: boosting data protection

December 11, 2015 10:00 am GMT

It’s time to forget FUD and face facts: whether internal or external, breaches are inevitable. And, as we find our way in a changed, IoT-trialling, digital world, they have become public interest stories.

In recent months, the BBC dedicated a programme to car thieves who stole Audis, BMWs and Land Rovers (in under ten seconds) using a weakness in the diagnostic port and kits available on eBay. The world’s media ran with the hacker who used on-board wi-fi to control an aircraft’s autopilot. Breaches and fines are the business pages Kanye and Kim.

The world has changed, yet the way we defend the sensitive data within our business has remained static for nearly three decades. Perimeter security is not enough, so how do you secure the breach?

Join five other senior IT security executives and thought leaders on this roundtable to discuss the new reality of this modern business essential.


Discussion Points

  • How to secure cryptographic keys
  • How to secure intellectual property
  • The human factor: controlling user access
  • Safeguarding customer information, being business efficient and staying compliant
Adam Burns
Editor-in-chief and Presenter at MeetTheBoss TV
Industry Expert
Jason Hart
Global CTO